When Jennifer Lee completed her undergraduate studies in molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale University in 1998, she assumed her next career steps were obvious: complete medical school and start practicing medicine.
But a passion for policy emerged during emergency room shifts in medical school and grew during her residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital as she witnessed uninsured patients cycle in and out because they could not access proper care or medications outside the hospital.
“It just didn’t make any sense to me why we would not try to address this fundamental problem,” Lee said. “So, I started to ask questions.”
Lee has been pursuing answers to questions about improving health care delivery ever sinceāas an emergency physician, a state and federal government health official, an academic and today as chief medical officer of the Alliance of Community Health Plans in Washington, D.C.
To read the full profile, visit here.
The Johns Hopkins Changemakers Profile is a monthly feature spotlighting the impact of Johns Hopkins alumni in positions of influence in Washington, D.C. policymaking circles.